PDTCA 2025 has ended
The PDTCA Board hopes you have an amazing Convention 2025!

Convention 2025 Feedback Survey

Emergency Procedures Calgary Telus Convention Centre
Emergency Procedures Hyatt
Human Rights Statement 
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Adding the session to your Sched schedule does not mean you are pre-registered.
Pre-Registration will OPEN February 1, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. and CLOSE February 16, 2025 AT 8:00 p.m.

How to pre-register - Check the infographic  For Pre-Registered sessions please use the pre-registration link in the session description.

Reason to Create a Profile in Sched
You do not need to create a profile and log in to see sessions in Sched. However, if you want to add yourself to a session to create a schedule or evaluate a session you must be logged in.

Convention at a Glance Link

Professional Responsibility
“On the two school days of your assigned teachers’ convention, you have a legal and professional responsibility to attend convention. If you are not able to make it safely to your assigned convention, however, your collective agreement may include impassable roads or inclement weather clauses that you can access. If your collective agreement does not include language specific to road conditions or weather, you may make use of the personal leave clauses of your agreement in most cases. Please be aware that using any of these types of leave may require you to pay substitute costs, forego a portion of your salary and benefits, or report to your school or another work location in your district. Refer to your collective agreement for more information. Should you require any additional information or if you need assistance interpreting your collective agreement, please contact Teacher Employment Services at 1-800-232-7208 or 780-447-9400.”
This information is also found on the Frequently Asked Questions page on the www.ataconventions.ca website. If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact Daniel.Maas@ata.ab.ca.

Level of content: General overview for novice learners clear filter
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Thursday, February 20

08:30 MST

09:00 MST

(Pre-Reg MAX 30) Book Binding - Learn the Art of Making Sketchbooks/Journals With Your Students Glen 204 - CTCCJayme Kveder • Meagan Hampton Financial Literacy for Grade 4-12: Ready to go lesson plans that your students will love! Glen 206 - CTCCSonya Fox Queering Mental Health in the Classroom: What you need to know about supporting 2SLGBTQIAP+ students Imperial 2 - HYATTDominique Bonneville The Regulated Classroom "Bottom Up" Trauma Informed Teaching Imperial 6 - HYATTTracey MacNeil • Rona Reid Fun and Easy Ways to Apply Foundational Knowledge About First Nations, Metis and Inuit Imperial 8 - HYATTTahza Cardinal kiyokewin - Visiting with Community and Métis Education Resources: Macleod Hall E4 - CTCCKimberley Fraser-Airhart Finding Joy in Unexpected Places Exhibition Hall E X - CTCCJessica Janzen From Striving to Thriving - Support for all Readers in the Room Glen 208/209 - CTCCJane Roberts Gamefying High School English Imperial 4 - HYATTJade Chausse-Motz Introducing Morphology: Empowering Readers & Writers Through Word Structure, Vocabulary, & Spelling Glen 201/202 - CTCCSiobhan Murphy Intro to Building Thinking Classrooms Telus 104/105/106 - CTCCLandry Forand Pourquoi commencer l’année avec les Statistiques - 1ère à 5e année Glen 203 - CTCCRenée Michaud - RLM Consulting (Pre-Reg MAX 30) Electronic Music - an accessible avenue for building musicality & creative expression Co-Lab 111 - CTCCMatthew Bassett Celebrating Intercultural Connection and Inclusion in Physical Education Telus 108/109 - CTCCKalli Green Extended/Long Term Disability: It’s All About the Medical Imperial 5 - HYATTChris Gibbon • Alberta Teachers' Association Future-Proof Leadership: Creating a Vision to Navigate AI-Driven Change in Education Imperial 1 - HYATTWalter Schwabe (Pre-Reg MAX 30) Pastel Perfection: Mastering Chalk Pastels and Oil Pastels Techniques (9:00-11:20) Telus 110 - CTCCIzabella Orzelski Supporting Students who are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing (9:00-11:20) Macleod Hall E1 - CTCCTrista Harrison • Lisa Gokstorp Hands-on Minds On: The Intersection of Trades and STEM in K-12 Education (9:00-11:20) Telus 103 - CTCCYour Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic • Matthew Prete Engaging Students in Science Using Real Data (9:00-11:20) Macleod Hall E3 - CTCCKristina Wasyleczko (Pre-Reg MAX 30) Cultivating Education: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Establishing Outdoor Schools (9:00-12:40) Imperial 3 - HYATTMatthew Chomistek (Pre-Reg MAX 30 Off-Site) From Seed to Classroom: A Teacher's Guide to Microgreens and Sustainable Student Action Projects (9:00-12:40) Off-SiteMegan White (Pre-Reg MAX 16 Off-Site) LEARN TO SEW and Teach Your Students Too! (9:00-15:20) Off-SiteCatherine Ford (Pre-Reg MAX 16 Off-Site) Some Carve their Careers, others just Whittle! (9:00-15:20) Off-SiteDave Connell (Pre-Reg Max 50) Effective Teaching Strategies for Students with Autism (9:00-15:20) Off-SiteJennifer Raitz • Lyse Cormier • Christopher Tuplin

10:20 MST

Playful Learning: You, Your Students and the Curriculum Macleod Hall E4 - CTCCCindy Hodges • Ronna Mosher Think on Your Feet - Enhancing Drama Class Through Improv Telus 108/109 - CTCCJanell Toews The ADHD Brain: A Ferrari Engine with Bicycle Brakes Macleod Hall D - CTCCKendall Delamont Introduction to Structured Word Inquiry Telus 101/102 - CTCCAmber Cahill ATRF Your Pension Essentials Glen 206 - CTCCPension Counsellor Inclusion Made Easier - Practical Strategies for Struggling Learners Glen 208/209 - CTCCDanny Bateman Activités Culturelles - Amusantes et Faciles Imperial 8 - HYATTTahza Cardinal Finding Joy in Unexpected Places Exhibition Hall E X - CTCCJessica Janzen Keynote 2024 Recap: Your Brain, Your Life - How Our Stories Drive Our Learning Macleod Hall A - CTCCDr. Jared Horvath La modélisation en barres, la représentation qui vous manque? 1ère à 4e année Glen 203 - CTCCRenée Michaud - RLM Consulting Math Therapy: How to Help Students Overcome Their Fear of Math! Macleod Hall C - CTCCVanessa Vakharia (Pre-Reg MAX 30) Sticks & Pads - a cheap and awesome way to teach rhythm & percussion Co-Lab 111 - CTCCMatthew Bassett Fun, Fast, Fresh, Free! New Resources for Teaching K-6 Physical Education and Wellness Macleod Hall E2 - CTCCKalli Green Counting Time Imperial 5 - HYATTChris Gibbon • Alberta Teachers' Association The Purity Pandemic | dealing with disaster in our postmodern world Imperial 7 - HYATTPeter Hill Understanding Islam to Better Support Your Muslim Students and Colleagues (10:20-12:40) Imperial 1 - HYATTYoussra Badr Active Citizenship & Democracy in the Classroom (10:20-12:40) Imperial 6 - HYATTSophie Gareau-Brennan • Marlee Yule

11:40 MST

The Allure of Genius: Skills, Talents, and How The Brain Truly Learns Macleod Hall A - CTCCDr. Jared Horvath Insta-Poetry Telus 110 - CTCCAshley Relling-Huezo Science on a Budget: Bringing the New K-6 Science Curriculum to Life Indoors and Outdoors! Glen 201/202 - CTCCBraeden Elenko • Inside Education Communication Skills to Disarm Angry Parents Macleod Hall C - CTCCConnie Jakab Inclusive Sexual Health Education: Making sex ed work for all your students Telus 103 - CTCCNicole Inglis • Christine McKernan Jeux Déné dans la Classe Imperial 8 - HYATTTahza Cardinal Les simulations Gizmos: pour développer une compréhension conceptuelle en mathématiques Glen 203 - CTCCRenée Michaud - RLM Consulting Redefining Winning Imperial 9 - HYATTLeigh Bretzlaff AI Prompting for Teacher Success Glen 206 - CTCCChris Gonsalvez ASEBP Benefit Overview Presentation Imperial 5 - HYATTMegon Jones-Ponce Survival Tips for New Teachers Macleod Hall E3 - CTCCDanny Bateman A Reasonable Act of Worship| understanding & teaching the connection between worship & purity Imperial 7 - HYATTPeter Hill Communicating Environmental Change through both an Indigenous and Western Science Lens Macleod Hall E4 - CTCCJennifer Janzen • Sue Arlidge Bringing Visible Thinking to Life in the Classroom (11:40-14:00) Macleod Hall E2 - CTCCPeter Ehrman • Amanda Ball Teaching Physical Literacy & Fundamental Movement Skills to Students with Sight Loss (11:40-14:00) Telus 108/109 - CTCCChris Abdalla • Yeganeh Yasa (Pre-Reg MAX 30 Off-Site) Wild Wellness - it’s in YOUR nature (11:40-15:20) Off-SiteSheri Tarrington

13:00 MST

Memory & Attention Pt. 1: Turning Science into Strategies Macleod Hall A - CTCCDr. Jared Horvath Beginner Beekeeping: everything you wanted to know about becoming a beekeeper. Glen 208/209 - CTCCMatthew Turner 6 Super Strategies for Superb Sex Ed: Best Practices for Teaching Sexual Health Imperial 2 - HYATTNicole Inglis • Christine McKernan Empowering Educators: Thriving Through Midlife Glen 204 - CTCCShauna Laubman How to Help Students with Anxiety, ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, and Autism Macleod Hall C - CTCCConnie Jakab Les techniques d'impacts en classe Glen 205 - CTCCAnnie Jacques Stratégies préventives en gestion de comportements - Partie 1 Macleod Hall E1 - CTCCIsabelle Rioux • Andrée-Anne Robert Dene Handgames in the Classroom Imperial 8 - HYATTTahza Cardinal Spirit of the Metis Imperial 4 - HYATTBrian St. Germain Embracing the Future: How A.I. Will Change Education Exhibition Hall E X - CTCCWalter Schwabe How to Motivate EVERY Student by Connecting to What Matters Macleod Hall D - CTCCVanessa Vakharia 180 Days of Structured Word Inquiry Imperial 1 - HYATTAmber Cahill Closing the Gap: Practical Tips to Comprehension in the Middle Years Macleod Hall E3 - CTCCBreanne Pyle Connecting the Dots - K - 4 Domino Math Games for Whole Class or Small Group Instruction Glen 201/202 - CTCCJane Felling Handbells & Steel Drums Telus 110 - CTCCTeena Trick-Wilks Harbouring Hope | honing the gift of hanging on Imperial 7 - HYATTPeter Hill Tools to build your financial wellness Glen 206 - CTCCShane O'Bryan Le filet de sécurité des enseignants : droits et protection dont vous bénéficiez Imperial 5 - HYATTGenevieve Blais • Alberta Teachers' Association Enseigner la méthode scientifique à l’aide de simulations virtuelles Glen 203 - CTCCRenée Michaud - RLM Consulting (Pre-Reg MAX 30) Exploring Van Gogh Painting Technique (13:00-15:20) Telus 103 - CTCCIzabella Orzelski

14:20 MST


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